

OS X v.1.1_Desktop_Calendar_Maker.app how download

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Illustration / Desktop Calendar Maker / Stairways Software / 4403 KB / Multimedia Design

Desktop Calendar Maker vers 1.1

Desktop Calendar Maker...For many years I have been making my own desktop calendars as Christmas presents. The calendars use my own photos, so they are personalised for each recipient. I have made the templates for these available on my personal Web site, but generating the templates and using them was a very cumbersome process.
Enter Desktop Calendar Maker, a new Mac OS X application which allows anyone to add their own photos and build custom desktop calendars and print them out on any color printer.
All you need is this program, some photos, a color printer and some CD calendar cases.

Best! version t4F3y.1.5.Desktop.Calendar.Maker.zip (5063 kbytes)

Recomended Mac mini 1.3-Desktop-Calendar-Maker-J9y.zip (5019 kbytes)

New to OS X bV2VAZ_Desktop_Calendar_Maker_ver._1.4.dmg (5151 kbytes)

Stairways Software

Torrent version key 1.1 Desktop Calendar Maker

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{4006 kbytes} Software V.3.1 DESKTOP CALENDAR MAKER WQC 1.5 Featured Sierra

{4138 kbytes} bkJ5 version 1.4 Desktop Calendar Maker 3.1 Recomended to 10.14.3
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